Thursday, September 21, 2017

The Answer To This Guy's Dating Problems Does Not Lie With E-Harmony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Girls, let's face it, for those in need E-Harmony is not the answer, because, if anything, they are as homophobic, maybe even more, than Christian Mingle.

                             The guy in this ad just annoys the crap out of me.  We see his pathetic dating life, where the women are one short step from Agnes Gooch--which does not mean they cannot be fatal attractions; ugly girls can be dangerous, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              No, this guy's problem goes deeper.  And he clues us in by his preppy shirt, and his mannered frustration.  I thought he was going to shake his head.

                              This guy is fishing in the wrong pool.  He needs to realize he is gay, come out, and get on to some gay friendly sites, and find the partner who will relieve all his stress--especially the emotional.

                               Get with it, guy!  Live the life you were born to live, like the Mother Abbess tells Maria in "The Sound Of Music."  Which I am sure you know by heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Who does E-Harmony think they are kidding, using this guy?

                                 Maybe it is a homosexual de-programming tactic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Well, forget, it, E-Harmony!  Some of us, and this guy, will go our own way!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. LOL
    I wouldn't have the guts to try online dating.
    I've been married since before computers were invented anyway, I think.


  2. Congrats to you, Victoria.
    I refused online dating until
    I decided on a whim. After six
    weeks I was discouraged. Then I
    decided to look outside the
    box; ie, people they weren't
    sending me. And that is how I met
    my husband!

  3. I would love to hear the whole story!
    Have you blogged about it??


  4. Victoria,

    I don't think I have.
    Maybe come Anniversary time.


  5. E-Blogger,

    My perfect match and I are quite happy!
