Friday, September 22, 2017

Seven Years Gone......Still Not Forgotten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              My only reluctance in writing this post is fearing the pain it might bring the Clementi family, but I doubt they can be bothered, and I am sure this day is irrevocably etched in their memories.

                               Seven years ago, this evening, the definitive bullying/hate crime, resulting in the suicide of Tyler Clementi was perpetrated on this innocent young man.  I have no idea where Ravi and Wei are, nor do I care.  I only hope their consciences are not at rest.

                              Not only was a family and a community marred, but the promise of the contributions this intelligent, talented fellow could have made to the world around him was taken from him.  He never had a chance.

                               Take a moment today to remember Tyler Clementi.  If you see someone bullied,
reach out to them.

                                The only way to to step in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Rest In Peace, Tyler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. You probably already know this, but his parents, Joe and Jane Clementi, started the Tyler Clementi Foundation, to fight bullying and to honor his memory.


  2. I am aware, and I should get
    involved with it. When it first
    happened, I actually wrote a
    condolence note to the Clementis.
    If I met them, I am afraid I
    would cry.

    I felt for Tyler, having been bullied
    in high school.

    Rutgers was just across the river from
    where I grew up-Highland Park, NJ

    Interestingly, Rutgers was the one school
    turn me down. Get this--Dartmouth accepted me,
    but not Rutgers!
