Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Congratulations, Alan Hubby, and The Drama Book Shop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   When I saw the Playbill article on Alan, now owner of the Drama Book Shop, I experienced pride and regret.  Pride that I knew Alan, that he had become the owner of the shop, and my contributions to it, along with my late friend, David Semonin, in what I now look back on as my youth.

                                     Yes, time has moved us on.

                                      Alan, if you get to read this, my strongest memory is of a visit to City Center, sitting up in the rafters you, David, and your lovely sister, Donya, watching her husband dance!  Those days, while lovely seem as distant as Time in "Merrily We Roll Along."

                                       I knew Arthur, I knew Rozanne, and, hell, anyone who called themselves a theatrical aspirant, well, there was no way to avoid the Drama Book Shop.  But who would want to, because, like many independent bookstores struggling and needing our support, it was a beacon of hope!

                                        I am so proud of Alan, for taking the shop into the next century.  I know it is in good hands, with Alan the unquestionable follower of the tough act Rozanne and Arthur were.

                                        Happy 100th Anniversary, DBS!  And congratulations, Alan!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Pride and Regret.
    That sums it up perfectly.
    Bittersweet. Comedy/Tragedy. Life.


  2. Like sands through an hourglass,
    so were the days of my youth!
