Tuesday, October 3, 2017

We Have A New Reader, Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        I am so glad I have something to write today, because yesterday I had Raving Queen Writer's Block, and felt like a bitch!  Today, should be a little better.

                       Still working on the Brat Pack project, have some new ideas in development, and was feeling a bit down in the dumps.  But a visit to my beautiful cockatoo friend, Bacci, changed all that.
Bacci is very understanding and comforting, with me.

                       Nevertheless, I want to welcome Funny Face Girl to this blog.  I am glad you found your way here, and hope you get some enjoyment and info from what is on here.

                       As I tell all my readers, it goes great with coffee, so make sure you have some handy, as I do.  Or tea, if that is your preference.

                         So, let us welcome our new reader, girls, with this blog's unofficial theme song--



  1. Thank you! I've had the mean reds these past few days and your wonderful, witty writing has helped me giggle which is exactly what I needed! XOXO


  2. Victoria,

    Yes, indeed. Bacci is very
    patient and understanding with me.
    Have always been an animal lover,
    but did not know I had this way
    with them!


  3. Funny Faced Girl,

    Thanks so much, and, again,
    welcome to the blog. I know
    full well what it is to have
    the mean reds; I take meds,
    so I get it. Hope some of
    the posts help. They help
    me, sometimes!
