Sunday, October 1, 2017

To Begin The Day With A Laugh Riot, Start With "Liza Vs. Carol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                           I am surprised no one out there has told me about this.  I discovered this the other day on YouTube.  It is a series of brilliantly edited clips of Liza on Larry King, and Carol on, of all things, Martha Stewart, arranged to appear as though talking to one another!

                          It is really camp, in the best sense of the words, darlings!  I had a laugh riot, watching it, and, if I can bring it up for you on here, I will.  If not, go straight to YouTube, and laugh your head off.

                           And, believe me, I wouldn't be surprised if Carol steps in for Bette one night!

                          She could still do eight shows a week!  I am not sure  I could!

                          Here it is, darlings!  Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Honestly, I don't know how
    I discovered it, but I did.
    And, once I saw it, I knew
    I had to share!
