Sunday, October 29, 2017

Five Years Ago Today......................

                             Everyone seems to be recalling memories of Hurricane (now Super Storm) Sandy on this day, five years before, but what both David and I also recollect is this was the day or our housewarming.

                              It turned out to be shorter than expected.

                              Initially, we had no idea that Sandy would turn out to be what it was.  So, we went ahead with our plans, ordering food, drink, and receiving guests for what turned out to be a fun filled event,  Our furniture had arrived, and all was finally in place, so it was the time to hold the event.

                              But then came those dire reports.  And once it was announced the subways would shut down at a certain time--I think it might have been 5:30PM--all hell broke loose, as a mass exodus of guests practically ran out the door to avoid the melee.  Except for our wildest, and oldest of friends, Florence, who was having such a good time, we had to practically push her out the door!

                              It was a housewarming never to forget.  Who knows if we will have another, but may we never have another storm, like Sandy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               She was no Sandra Dee, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Oh wow I remember how devastating that storm was for your area. We dodged a bullet here in Virginia that year. It's only a matter of time though.


  2. Unfortunately, I think
    you may be right. I hope
    no one experiences what those
    who faced Sandy did.
