Saturday, October 28, 2017

Stay With Me, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are all in this together, darlings, so please bear with me!  If you are out there, continue reading, as some of us bloggers are having problems, not so much with formatting, as with our Followers lists disappearing.  Also, as far as comments are concerned, I can answer mine, but I am not sure if readers are able to post.  My email address is posted atop the blog most of the time, so if you need to reach and/or comment, then do so there.  I need you girls, so I feel I have someone to write for. Not that it would stop me--it did not stop the Brontes--but they got the word out, eventually.  Please bear with me.  A tech savvy friend said this could take awhile.  I know the Eblogger and Google teams are looking at it, because others have, as stated experienced the same thing.

The Raving Queen is not done yet!  So keep reading!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Thanks, Victoria!
    I am glad comments can still
    be posted, and I love our exchanges.
    I will feel so much better when
    the list gets restored. But I
    will not stop writing!

  2. Good to know; I consider you my "Blog Friend" lol
