Friday, October 13, 2017

I Am Not So Sure This Death Was Not A Suicide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              The 'SVU' episode, of the week before, "Mood," featured a serial rapist named Tom Williams, played by Robbie Collier-Sublett.  The first thing you have to do, Robbie, is change the name, because you will not get anywhere with that, unless you have talent, like, say, Charles Nelson Reilly.  Or Jennifer Jason Leigh.  One appearance on an 'SVU' episode does not a career make.

                               Let me make myself perfectly clear, about this photographed scene.  Peter Scanavino's arms are jacked, darlings, and he had the strength to pull Tom Williams up.  But Williams,  who was wearing gloves, disengaged the glove from his hand, and let go, killing himself.  Why? The reason will become clear.

                                Season 19 of 'SVU' seems hell bent on going after women, in general.  Olivia is having all kinds of shit thrown at her, making me wonder still if Joan Didion is ghost writing the scripts.

                                This episode also seemed a bit of a reworking of a classic, earlier episode, "Pique" from 2001.  That's the one where Chad Lowe played a killer acting out hate Mommy fantasies, because he and his mother were having an incestuous relationship, till he ultimately kills her.  Mommy here was played by the brilliant Margot Kidder, whose casting now seems ironic, considering the actress' own mental health issues.

                                    "Mood" was more subtle.  The rapist turns out to be a worker bee schlep named Tom Williams.  Carisi goes to his apartment, and meets Tom's mother, played in a brilliant bit performance, by Christina Rouner.  This woman's manner, from the start, is hateful.  She offers Carisi tea and cookies, and when he spills some crumbs on the table, and she goes inappropriately ballistic, that told me everything.  Like Grace Mayberry, (Margot Kidder) we once again have Mother As Castrating Bitch!  Mrs. Williams and her son live together, and, while there may not be incest, it is clear he has been emotionally abused by her all his life; had he not died, he would have gone from serial rapist, to serial killer.  I think some part of Tom Williams realized this; his victims were really his mother, whom he was acting out against.  And his suicide, was a desire not so much not to go to prison, but to save himself from his mother, in the only chance he had open to him.

                                     This season is going in a strange, almost misogynistic direction.  As shall be evident, when I write about the episode, two days before, entitled "Contra Passo."

                                      What a bunch of bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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