Friday, October 13, 2017

We Love You, Mrs. Voorhees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Yes, darlings, it is another, Friday, the 13th!  Which means the 1980 classic should be viewed by all today.

                                 I am starting to think this day should simply be changed to Mrs. Voorhees Day, since, for me, she has come to represent it.  Make sure you say "Kill her, Mommy!  Kill her!" to someone today, to make their day extra special!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Betsy Palmer not only owned the role, she probably owned the sweater, too!

                                  May her Mother love live forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. ...Probably owned the sweater too lol


  2. It wouldn't surprise me.
    She did the film on the cheap,
    the set was near her home
    in Jersey. She needed a new
    car, and thought no one
    would see this nonsense!
    It turned out to be her
    signature role!
