Friday, October 6, 2017

I Have The New Jennifer Egan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               What a frantic day I had, girls!  No time for tea, or a drink.

                                 I had to do my monthly Strand run, where I sell the already read, but not to be kept books, to the store, and get money for them.  Pocket money, but it  helps.

                                 Of course, I bought the Egan.  I also bought, for David, "Going Into Town," by Roz Chast, and, for myself, "Do Not Say We Have Nothing," by Madeleine Thien.  I cannot wait to read both.

                                  After that, it was a trip to another world, the Upper West Side, where I had to get all my prescriptions filled.  I have been going to them for thirty years, or more, so, until I am too infirm to run into Manhattan, should that day ever come, I will continue to seek out my meds here.

                                   All this meant an overstuffed carrying bag that gave my right shoulder quite a workout.  But I was somewhat rewarded, upon my return to Bay Ridge.  Seamus had the day off from Paws Truly, but Sparky was there, and in fine form.  Then I checked on Cujo, who was not out, but at the house down from him, the whole gang was out--Roxie, Nia, and, of course, Bacci.  Bacci cozied right up to me, I began talking to her, and she cooed, then answered--I am not kidding--"Pretty Bird!"--which, of course, she is, and we just had the best time.  When it was time for me to go, I held out my right index finger, and Bacci wrapped her right claw around it, just gently enough, as though she instinctively knew.  We shook hands, but not before she preened, showing me those gorgeous orange feather underlinings.   It always makes me feel good, to see Bacci, and spend time with her.

                                  So, by the time I got home, I was exhausted.  I am not sure when I will get to the Jennifer Egan.  I am only halfway through Lethem, and then there is the short "Pond" I might read, and on Tuesday--oh, God!!!!!!!!!--I have to go to the dentist!

                                   But the book is in the house, and ready to be read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Don't miss out on yours, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I'm sure you're familiar with The Dog Whisperer and The Cat Whisperer; you are destined to be the Bird Whisperer, it seems!!


  2. It would seem so.
    Even Bacci's owner says she
    behaves better with me than
    with others outside of him.
