Wednesday, October 4, 2017

One More Day, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I can hear the breathlessness of anticipation, darlings!  The Friday after Thanksgiving is commonly called "Black Friday."  For those of us with a literary bent, I dub tomorrow "Black Thursday," because, finally the new Jennifer Egan hits the stores.  I am just about to begin "Chronic City," by Jonathan Lethem, so though I plan to pick my copy up tomorrow, it will be some time, before I get to it.

                                     The news media should cover all the mad literati, hanging out bookstores at midnight, to get what they feel is the first copy.  I won't be there, but I support all who are.

                                       Being it is October already, I still have not read something that automatically qualifies to me as a Book Of The Year, when it comes to Fiction!

                                        Will Jennifer's be the one?  Stay tuned to find out!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Even if I lived in New York, I would not be in that line.
    But I would Want to be, does that count?
    I would WANT to want to be, anyway.

  2. Chronic City was an interesting novel. Very much of its time, tho: I'm not quite sure how it will date in a few years, or even now. It pretty much hinges on the peak of Bloomberg's reign, so if you don't have a vivid memory of 2007 NYC it may not resonate as well. I've often wondered how anyone not from New York would get anything from it.


  3. Am about a quarter of the way through.
    Devoid of any wit or humor. Very cut
    and dried writing. Not sure how I will
    feel till I finish.


  4. Victoria,
    Thirty years ago, maybe I could do it.
    But not now!
