Monday, October 16, 2017

It Was A Jennifer Egan Weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Between all the time spent in the shower, drying and shaping my hair, putting on make-up, before looking presentable to go anywhere, it is a wonder I accomplished anything.

                                     But I did.  I had to do a pharmacy run on Saturday, which means we stopped at Zabars, since we were on the Upper West Side, a place both David and I seldom go to, but was prominent in my youth.  And that meant I had to go to Barnes And Noble, on 84th, where I had to get Jo Nesbo's "The Snowman," which is coming out as a movie this Friday, and I have to see it, not only because it is a serial killer story--which it is--but because, from the trailer, I think I know who the killer is--and I will tell you if I am right.

                                     Sunday, we went to Bay Ridge's Third Avenue Festival.  All of my animal friends--I saw Chloe and Seamus on Saturday--were inside, as the event was much too noisy, and unsophisticated, for them.  But it was pleasing enough, and I am glad there were enough things on hand to amuse the children, which was not the case with the Summer Strolls.

                                      Aside from doing all this, I was glued to my chair, engrossed in the new Jennifer Egan.  Girls, I am telling you, you have got to read "Manhattan Beach."  It is as engrossing as "Gone With The Wind," only less than half the length, and has the emotionality of "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn."  I would not be surprised if that work influenced Egan here, for Anna, the lead character, could be considered an adult version of Francie Nolan.  And, like Francie, she is Irish; her last name is Kerrigan.

                                     Anna's story spans Brooklyn to California, a job in the Brooklyn Naval Yards to a diving career, a family torn apart and somewhat reunited, and a sad death, early on, made understandable, at the end,

                                     I do not want to say more--you have to read it--but my heart went out to Anna's mother, and her caring for her disabled daughter, Lydia.

                                     If this does not turn out to be the Book Of The Year, it will be high on my list!
We shall see, come year's end!

                                       Meanwhile, what are you waiting for?  Read the new Jennifer Egan!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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