Monday, October 16, 2017

Women As Bitch Castrators Seem To Be The Order Of The Day On 'SVU,' This Season, Or What????????????

                       This season would also seem to be big on reworking past episodes.  "Mood" reworked the Oedipal elements of "Pique," and now "Contra Passo" reworked justifiable vengeance, as featured in "Branded."

                       There is no doubt, when needing an actor to play a real sleaze, get Paul Fitzgerald.  Look at  the smug arrogance on his face.  He scored big, playing a Big Old Corporate Closet Case in "Criminal Hatred."  Here, he plays some corporate honcho, who taught English in high school while in his twenties, and took advantage of girls sexually.  Three of the girls get together, and, learning this guy is in New York, lure him to a hotel and perform--I have never heard this word before--a "gonadectomy," on him.  In other words, they physically castrate him.  After drugging him into unconsciousness.

                        The three women in question are Carolyn Rivers, played by Annabeth Gish, Julie Wade, played by Betsy Beutler, and Nora Galen, played by Jeannine Kaspar.

                         Now, having been bullied myself, I love revenge stories, where the tormentors get their comeuppance in years to come.  Like in the movie, "The Gift," the 2015 film, where Joel Edgerton really gives it to Jason Bateman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Here, we have Annabeth Gish, who, 19 years ago, was the one who went nowhere, in "Mystic Pizza."  When I saw her, I was, like, "Is she still alive?"  "What ever happened to her?"

                         Now, I am all for revenge on one's tormentors.  Getting snarky is one thing, getting physical another.  Not only could this lead to murder, but the moral ethics of castrating a man are questionable.

                          These issues might have been raised, had the perpetrator been played sympathetically.  But, with Paul Fitzgerald in the role, the smug arrogance meter is amped up, to the point where I would have done the deed, myself!!!!!!!!!!  This bastard thinks so much of himself, he cannot fathom the damage he has caused not only to these girls, others he might have compromised, and even his young, so-called, wife.  Who, I can tell you, gets his number, and ditches him!!!!!!!!!!!

                            He is a sexual predator, and Fitzgerald, playing it that way, makes Jason Karr deserving of everything dished out to him.

                              Now, please, can the writers get on with other issues?  Misogyny and female abuse have been successfully explored over the last two weeks.

                                Or is the entire creative staff under the control of Mariska Hargitay????????????

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