Tuesday, October 31, 2017

On The Other Side Of Things, There Is Kevin Spacey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   There is no way I cannot talk about Kevin Spacey on here, but the whole issue raises questions, because I also have to talk about Anthony Rapp.

                                    Kevin Spacey is one of the most brilliant actors out there, no denying.  But it is no secret he has always been a Great Big Old Closet Case, denying his sexuality at every turn.  Taking your mom to the Academy Awards, once, OK!!!!!!!!!!!!  But every year?????????  Kevin, dear, don't you realize Clifton Webb did the same thing??????????  And he fooled no one either; in fact, he made an entire career of playing the gay aesthete.

                                      Now, about Anthony Rapp.  He started out very young in the business.  Did you know he played one half of the title roles in "The Little Prince And The Aviator," the flop musical that played at the Alvin Theatre, back in 198l?????????  Ten years later, or thereabouts, I saw first saw him, as one of the obnoxious children, in the original production of John Guare's "Six Degrees Of Separation."  And then, about five years later, along came "RENT."

                                       And there is no question that a 14-year-old boy should not be sexually pursued, by a 26-year-old man.  Kevin, dear, what is your game?  Do you like chicken, or are you just so sexually desperate?????????????

                                      But I also have a question about Anthony.  I know his parents divorced, that the mother, he and brother Adam, moved to New York City.  And, supposedly, Kevin and Anthony were appearing on Broadway, back in 1986-whether together or separately is not clear--which is how Rapp netted the invitation to Spacey's party.

                                       Fine.  But where was Rapp's mother? As a minor, didn't she have to shepherd him along his career path???????????  Why would a 14-year-old boy be allowed to go to a party with party animal adult theater types?????????????????

                                         Let me emphasize here, I am not defending Spacey.  I have a feeling, if things come out as they do, Rapp was not the first, or last, young fellow Spacey pulled this act on.
But why was someone that young permitted to go to an adult party?  The parenting here must be questioned.

                                          Spacey's being in the closet has disgusted me.  Such a brilliant actor, and he cannot handle a way to come out, graciously???????????????" Hey, Kevin, is Mom still alive?  How convenient, if she is not!  "There'll be days like this, Mama said!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                            Now, his career is tanking.  What I fear is people will perceive that his coming out is the  reason for the downfall.  It is not.  It is his predatory behavior, and reinforcing the negative notion that all homosexuals are sexual predators.   Putting us back to the days of "Boys Beware," in 1961!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Congrats, Kev!  You just set the LGBQT Community back several decades!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Coming as this all does, on the tail of Harvey Weinstein, I have to wonder, has everyone in show biz been sexually abused?  Who will be next??????????????

                                               Go play with others age appropriate, Kevin!  No post-Millennial kid would be interested in you anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Hell, he wouldn't even know who you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Like I have always said,
    on here and off--there is
    nothing as dangerous as a
    great big closet case!
