Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Ten Months Down The Tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Things are really beginning to speed up, dolls, what with October rushing by.  It was a memorable one in many ways, but not one particularly endearing considering the closeness of two sudden deaths of two beloved colleagues and fronts.  Not to mention another one the month before, and my childhood friend, in April.

                             Nothing to see at the movies but trash horror--not that that is not fun, but give us an A-lister once in awhile.  As for the theater--like, nothing new is happening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              And now November is nipping at my heels!  Gasp!

                              It was an uneasy October, made fun by "AHS":  Cult," and the loving of my David, and my animal friends, Cloe, Seamus, Cujo, Roxie, Nya, and Bacci.  Not to mention Indiana Jones, and Mellow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              The month was unsettling, but I am glad I had these, and all you out there, to share it with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Still haven't decided about my birthday, so we are getting down to the wire!!!!!!!!!

                                See you in November, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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