Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Ally/Sarah Finally Comes Into Her Own, On "American Horror Story: Cult!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                            Last night's episode of "AHS: Cult," entitled "Drink The Kool-Aid," was a showcase for Evan Peters--who is on his way to an Emmy, this year--Adina Porter, and, of course, Sarah Paulson, whose Ally is slowly, and not so gently, revealing the mojo I always knew she had.  How could she not?  Come on, darlings, it's Sarah Paulson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            But before getting further into last night, something I failed to mention last week.  In the segment from 2015, where Kai and Winter go to this preacher's house, and see all this gross, religious fanatic stuff, this was a brilliant riff on the Bible belt Halloween tradition, Hell House, which uses blood, gore and horror, as a weapon to own up to the values of Christianity.  Several years back, it was brought to St. Ann's Warehouse, in Brooklyn, but I, while curious, could not subject myself to such propaganda.  Stick with "The Song Of Bernadette," girls!  While still working, I actually knew someone who knew the woman who performed the role of "Abortion Girl" in Brooklyn!!!!!!!!!  We would have had some coffee klatch, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             The show did a great job, spoofing this, all last week.

                             As for last night, "Don't Drink The Kool-Aid" allowed Peters to play several cult leaders--Marshall Applewhite, David Koresh, and Jim Jones.  I kept looking at the eyes, each time, which was the only way I knew it was Peters.  There has been all this fuss, throughout the season, about him playing all these cult figures, including Charles Manson!!!!!!!!!!!  But Manson was not present!  Where was he?  I think he is being saved for bigger things--maybe at the end!  Which is just in two weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              The episode was one big bitchfest!  Girls, if you have been waiting for that Winter and that Ivy to get the belts in the mouth they deserve, this was the episode to watch.  Winter gets it from all sides, by both Beverly Hope (Adina Porter) and Ally!  That Winter, she still is a cool, neutral one, but I would not trust her as far as my eyes could see.

                               The scene where Ally gets hers was my favorite.  And the way Ivy tried to bitch Ally out, saying this is just a "passing phase," indicates how truly evil a bitch she is.  But Ally ups the ante by feeding Ivy a romantic meal that turns out to be her last.  And as Ally relishes what she has done, declaratively telling Ivy, "I want two things.  I want my son.  And I want to watch you die," I saw two things simultaneously--Ally revealing all the mojo that she has been holding back, and Sarah Paulson, at some point in the future, playing the role of Regina Giddens, in "The Little Foxes."  She would be fabulous.

                                 Toying with Oz' parentage is interesting.  Because, from the start, I insisted Oz was Kai's kid.  As it turns out, he is not, but Ally is using that ploy to help entrap Kai, leading to his downfall, which I cannot wait to see.

                                   After what Adina did to Winter, those two are not through, yet!!!!!!!!!!  It will be interesting to see what happens to Winter.  Because something will.  Like Ally, I think Winter has been holding a lot back, and it is due to explode, and when she does, who will be the collateral damage?

                                    And how will this end?  With Ally and Oz, riding off into the sunset?

                                    I am placing my bets now.  The writers here will resort to what was done in the original, 1953, "Invaders From Mars."

                                      It was all a dream that Ally had.  Of what is about to happen.

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