Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Happy Feast Of All Saints, With Newest Ones, Jacinta and Francisco Marto, Front And Center!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Now that the presence of Evil has been chased out, thanks to All Hallows Eve,(which is what Halloween is really for) today all the saints get their due, including the newest ones to have been canonized, earlier this year, Blessed Jacinta and Francisco Marto.!!!!!!!!!!!

                            You better believe Jacinta comes front and center, honeys, because she means business!  She was the holiest child of Fatima, and suffered unendurable mortal pain for all of us.

                             As did countless other saints, whom we remember on this day.

                            But I am telling you, Jacinta is up there, blazing a path for all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Meanwhile, a Happy All Saints Day for all, saints and not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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