Friday, November 17, 2017

Happy Day Before My Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Save for celebrating Neva Small's birthday, I never write about my pre-birthday day, or 364th In-Birthday.  But when I saw this quote from Madeleine L'Engle, author of one of my childhood favorites, "A Wrinkle In Time, " I thought I had better do so.

                              Yes, girls, this marks the end of my 62nd year.  Tomorrow, it will be history.  We actually get two New Year's Eves in our lives--the one known by all on December 31, and the day before our actual birthdays.

                                So, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the year.

                                 It started with David and I seeing "Heisenberg," just because I had to see Mary-Louise Parker.  I had no idea how theatrically technical it was going to be, or I never would have bought him.  Fortunately, other theatrical highlights--"The Little Foxes," and "War Paint"--compensated for that.

                                 January turned out to be a double-header. In the span of just ten days, I was married to David (January 10) and then retired from my job (January 20).

                                 Of course, I kept plugging away here, and reading.  But I am proud to say I have lived to see not one, but two, saints (actually three, if you count Mother Teresa) canonized in my lifetime.  I am talking about Jacinta and Francisco Marto, the two Fatima children, with Jacinta the holiest!  Believe me, yeah!!!!!!!!!!!   I was deeply moved.

                                  Troubling were some of the losses David and I endured--a childhood friend of mine, and two friends of both David and myself.  Each in a span of  five days!  It still saddens me.

                                     Things really settled down in the Fall.  The theater season has been a dud, I discovered the brilliance, and hair, of Amy Sedaris, and I bonded with Bacci, the cockatoo, and Mellow, the Siberian husky.  As well as still relating to my beloved Seamus, Cujo, Chloe, Roxie, and Nia.  Honorable mention to Bella.

                                       Thanks to Anna, at the Lighthouse Café, for keeping David and I both fed and amused.

                                        All in all, my 62nd year was wonderful, with most of the credit going to David.

                                        So, farewell 62!  When next you hear from me, I will be 63!!!!!!!!!!!  Or, three timed twenty-one!!!!!!!!!!!  Egads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          I wanted to end this post with a song.  What else, but "The Unbirthday Song," from Disney's "Alice In Wonderland?????????????"

                                            See you, "next year," girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Enjoy your Last Day Of Being Sixty-Two!!


  2. Victoria--

    It was a quiet and relaxed day.
    Just what I wanted it to be.
