Saturday, November 18, 2017

"I Got Through All Of Last Year.......And I'm Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                              Yes, darlings, the day has arrived.  I am now 63.

                               I am so glad to still be with you all.

                               But, with encroaching age, I thought Yvonne De Carlo, and "I'm Still Here" from "Follies," a show about time's passage, would be apt.

                                And plans have been forged.  Tonight, we are dining at Cipriani's, at the Sherry Netherland, on Fifth Avenue.

                                 Tuesday, we are going to BAM to hear David Sedaris, and the plan is to bring Baby Gojira, now in his Thanksgiving outfit, to the event, just in case Amy (Sedaris) is there.  I really want to get him on her show.  He could be the sous chef in one of her cooking segments.

                                   Sixty-two had several sad spots, so may Sixty-three be free of those.  As for next year, well that is up to the Beatles.  Hint, hint!

                                     Happy Birthday to Me, but, most of all Thank God for all I have been blest with, including another stint here on Earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      "To the Emerald City, fast as lightning," girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         And here is Yvonne herself, to sing this year's birthday song of mine!!!!!!!


  1. HAPPY HAPPY 63rd, RQ!

    So very glad to have you enrich our lives.

    Hope you have an absolutely delightful birthday weekend!

    Don't let Baby Gojira's tantrums get in the way!


  2. Thanks so much for the birthday wishes.
    You will soon read about it on here.
    Baby Gijira is now in his Thanksgiving
    outfit. It is a bit cumbersome, so he
    is more settled.
