Thursday, November 16, 2017

Meet My Friend, Mellow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Mellow and I met over the summer.  I immediately recognized him for the handsome looking Siberian husky he is.  These dogs have always fascinated me, because of their strong resemblance to the wolf.  But there is nothing big and bad about Mellow.  He is a sweetie.

                                 The first time I met Mellow, a young lad, presumably his owner, was walking him down 76th Street, in Bay Ridge, as I was heading to Third Avenue, and he most likely down to the dog park, further.  Mellow was in the puppy stage, then, and while he was larger than any pup I have seen, I could tell he was young.  I bent over, and said, sweetly, "Hi, Mellow," and before I knew it, Mellow was practically leaping into my arms, with hugs, and kisses.  His owner says he is very friendly.

                                    Thereafter, I always looked for Mellow, happy whenever I ran into him.  He always had a hug for me.

                                   Until last week, I had not seen Mellow in quite a while.  Last week, I passed him and his owner on the street, and said, "Is that Mellow?"  Because, Mellow, while not yet full grown, had gotten a bit more lanky in the legs, and was bigger than when I last saw him.

                                     But his heart was still in the right place. Soon as I called to him, he put his front arms up on my shoulders, so I could hug him and he could lick me.

                                       Seeing Mellow, like all my animal friends in the neighborhood, always makes me feel good.  Who knows?  He may be full grown, next time I see him.

                                         I love Mellow, as much as all the others.

                                         It was high time I introduced him to you.

                                          Welcome to the blog, Mellow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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