Thursday, November 16, 2017

This Bitch Was A Loser, From The Start!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   The man, pictured at left, is Howard Elkins.  He is this week's winner of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, even though he is dead.  The young woman to the right is Reyna Marroquin, whom he murdered, back in 1969.

                                    But Howard was a loser from the start.  Because he was living on that bastion of criminal activity, known as Long Island, or "Lon "Gisland," as its residents say.

                                      Aside from his residence, Elkins was real suburban scum, in that he thought he could have his cake (or pussy) and eat it, too.  Look at him; he is no prize.

                                       He ran some sort of factory business near where he lived, and commenced an affair with Marroquin, new to this country from El Salvador, who, not knowing there was better fish out there in the sea, took up with this piece of garbage.

                                       But this gal was no fool, darlings, and, like Alex Forrest, she was not about to be ignored.  She could read the writing on the wall; empty promises he would leave his wife, to be with her, which was the lie all these hypocrites give out.  Well, Marroquin called Elkins' bluff.  She called his wife.

                                       She told the truth, and I hope the wife gave Elkins hell, or a divorce.  Whether he drove to her Jersey apartment and killed her there, or lured her to his factory, the girl was killed by blunt force trauma, very likely  a hammer, pounded into her about ten times.  What a sicko!

                                        It was all about hypocrisy, and preserving what he had.  Isn't it always, with these guys?  No wonder I rooted for Alex Forrest!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Once at the factory, Elkins stuffed the dead body into a 55 gallon drum, filled with pellets, and sealed her in, allowing the corpse to decompose over time.  Why he transferred this to a crawl space underneath the house he was living in, is anyone's guess.  But it proved to be his downfall.

                                           Thirty years later, around 1999, the current owner of Elkins' former house, discovered the cylindrical drum, called the police, who made the gruesome discovery.  An investigation was done, and, eventually, Elkins, now 70, was tracked down.  He was living with a wife, but I am not clear if it was the same wife, or a new one.  If the same, then, honey, what is the matter with you, anyway?  Don't give me that Tammy Wynette crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             When he realized the police were closing in on him, he took the coward's way out--and not even in his own home!  He traumatized his neighbors, whose garage he went to, got into their car, took out a gun, and shot himself in the head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Anyone on here knows I am easily upset about suicide.  Elkins' angers me, because Reyna Marroquin deserved justice, and so did her family.  Sure, the scum is dead, and only because he got caught.

                                                The bitch was not only a two timer, but a narcissist.

                                                 A perfect candidate for this week, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Can't believe I am just hearing about this story! That guy is pure scum. One of the weirder elements of the story was that her mother had dreamed of her being trapped in a barrel. I really can't imagine how horrible that must of been, Rest in peace to both mother & daughter.

    1. His wife was not better than him, she New thé store right fm reyna and never called thé police.


  2. Sergio,

    Same wishes here to both
    mother and daughter. And
    you are right--he was a real sicko!

  3. You forgot to mention that she was pregnant with his child! He didn't want to take responsibility for his actions and have his wife find out she was pregnant, so he killed her.

  4. Hautepinkfluff,
    Hmmm..too bad I missed that.
    You provide even more evidence of
    what a loser he was!

  5. 9 months pregnant at that 17 inches long was the baby during her death. Smh. She had a son who sometimes went to the factory rumored to be his too. Qizh I knew more of him.

  6. Sad...your sins will find you out💯

  7. Reyna or "Angel" as she was called sometimes was also at full term pregnancy with Howard Elkins son! Which makes this case even more sad & disturbing! R.I.P. Reyna Angelica Marroquin.

  8. I wish she had just left even if she had to go home to El Salvitore and she and her son could still be alive now. So sad.

  9. Mave,
    Yes, I wondered myself why
    she had not done that. She
    could have had a safe life.

    1. People don't know how evil some men are until it's too late.

  10. Steve,
    How true. Or maybe they don't
    want to believe, for fear it says
    something about them.

  11. Mm,
    I am not surprised.
    As the saying goes, "birds of a feather.....

  12. This Story is Sad! He was a Nasty, Evil, Narcissist 👍

  13. I just watched this story on forensic files so sad, the wife knew Reyna was pregnant, if u didn't hear anything else why she didn't inquire where the baby was.

  14. Unknown,

    Despite my interest I have never watched
    "Forensic Files." Did not know they covered
    this story. Like you, I too want to know why
    she did not inquire about the baby. That poor
