Sunday, November 5, 2017

Mildred Rogers In "Of Human Bondage" Is One Of The Most Evil Women In Literature/Cinema!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              At least, she is in the novel, and when defined by Bette Davis.   Forget Eleanor Parker, and Kim Novak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Mildred takes the prize, along with Lola in "The Blue Angel' (aka "Professor Unrat," by Heinrich Mann),  and Catherine Ames in John Steinbeck's "East Of Eden, three of the most despicable depictions of the female sex.  A misogynist's dream--or nightmare, if you will.

                              Mildred is trash from the start.  She is--gasp!--a tearoom waitress in London, who eventually--of course-- takes to working the streets.  Bette hit pay dirt with this role, and while the movie would have one believe she dies of tuberculosis, a look at this picture indicates she is in the last stages of syphilis.  As in the novel.

                                However, unlike Fantine, Mildred does not ask for sympathy, nor does she deserve it.  She manipulates the vulnerable and crippled (club foot) Philip Carey, played by Leslie Howard, into falling for her, to the point where he becomes obsessed, then lashes out at him, calling him "a cripple," in the famous scene where she wipes her mouth, and tears apart his books and savings bonds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Mildred deserved everything she got.  She was a cheap slut; the Alice Crimmins of her day.  I have no doubt that the baby she had with the guy she left Philip for, who eventually walked out on her, because he could not stand this insensitive bitch, died either from neglect, or from murder at the ands of its own mother.

                                 It may seem like I am writing my Thursday column early, but not really.  Mildred Rogers is in a class by herself, and deserves her own separate post.
                          A cheap tearoom waitress!  No difference from Alice, that cheap cocktail waitress, from Queens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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