Monday, November 20, 2017

O.K., Here's The Thing About David Sedaris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I intend to read his books, in order, so I managed to get through his first book, "Barrel Fever," quickly.  I had no idea the title meant something related to alcoholism, and I have known some alcoholics in mu time, darlings; believe me.

                                 My ultimate discovery was I liked the essays better than the short stories, though one, "Glen's Homophobia Newsletter, Vol. 3, No. 2, was a favorite of mine.  Not only did I relate to it, I wish I had written it, myself,  and you could not ask for a higher compliment, on here.

                                 The stories seem to be disguised family chronicles.  If you nothing of the Sedarises history, you are lost at sea.  If you do, then you know it is disguised autobiography, but, frankly, I like it better when he goes straight to the truth.  And this is the book containing the classic "Santaland Diaries," which is already going to change my outlook for Christmas.

                                    I like David, but I still love Amy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     His book is humorous, insightful, and not, as I initially feared, pretentious.

                                      For that, you would have to go to Augusten Burroughs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Love his writing.
    Waiting to hear what you think of his Reading as well.
