Monday, November 20, 2017

Poor Nicole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Back To The Steno Pool (Or Wherever!) For You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Even though Nicole was representative of Bay Ridge, I think she lives on Staten Island, which means she could be returning to either a slag heap, or a landfill, because, besides that, and malls, what the hell else is there, on Staten Island?????????????

                             The thing that bothered me the most about Nicole, was not her unwillingness to come out as a Lipstick Lesbian--and why should she, since that fact is as known as Kevin Spacey's homosexuality???????-- but that she went to Seton Hall!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Now, I am a graduate of Seton Hall--Class Of 1977, darlings!!!!!!!!--and I do not want people to get the mistaken idea, via Nicole, that all Seton Hall students are Republicans!!!!!!!!!!  I am sure Nicole would love for us all to think that, but, let me assure you, darlings, it is not true!!!!!!!!!

                                 There were even gays and lesbians on campus, in my time; now, I am sure, there are organizations, so I am sure Nicole fit right in.  Whether she wanted to admit it, or not.

                                   Now that she is forced to keep a low profile, don't cause Seton Hall any further embarrassment, Nicole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      If there has to be Republican candidates, then bring back Condoleeza Rice!!!!!!!!!!  She dresses better, has an intriguing name, and is a barrel of laughs!!!!!!!!!!!!!