Friday, December 29, 2017

Bambi Bennett Was No "Doe, A Deer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                               Between illness and the Holidays I have a lot to catch up on with all of you.  One of these is Bitch Of The Week.  I had to run to the doctor yesterday, so no time to blog.  AND I broke my 9 year record of having read 114 books a year, set back in 2008.  The tally for 2017 now stands at 115.  And I am not through yet.

                                But Bitch Of The Week.  When I saw the ID story on the murder of Myrtle Beach Florida couple, Charlie and Diane Parker, back on April 11 or 12 in 2005, I knew one thing--their no good daughter (actually Diane's by a previous marriage) Bambi Bennett, was involved.  Though her bad boy druggie boy friend, Richard Gangon, was charged with burglary and murder, no one thought Bambi had anything to do with it.

                                Bambi was an insult to Scarlett O'Hara.  Scarlett cared for money and land, but for family's sake.  Bambi just wanted her goods for herself--she had inherited some land, and her mother signed it over in her name, because she knew Bambi would just drug it away--but this was the motivation for the murder.

                                 Then, in 2009, Bruce Antwain Hill was charged with the murders.  It is not clear how he pops up, though he must be connected to Rick Gangon.

                                  One thing I can tell you.  This was all Bambi's idea, and done at her instigation.

                                   What a bitch that Bambi Bennett is!  She is no Barbie Benton.  All Benton did, back in the 70's, was act as a PG-rated prostitute by whoring her body out on national television to some Hefner lodge in Great Gorge.  Remember the commercial?   "Come to my country place," she would sing.  Yeah, right.

                                   Bambi thought highly of herself, but she did not have the goods Benton had.  All Benton did was the most generalized form of free enterprise.

                                    Bambi Bennett, who must be so ugly I could not find a picture, is probably zoned out in some Florida crack ho' place in a trailer park.

                                      But don't worry, girls!  Jail is still in her future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I just watched the show about Bambi I must disagree with you about her guilt from what I saw on the show if it was correct, they seemed to find the guy that did it through DNA blood at the scene. He was convicted unless I'm missing something.I'm sure if her boyfriend had anything to do with it the black guy wouldn't have said I don't no that white cracker It's a long way from drug use to murder of your parents just my thought that there are lots of people in jail that are innocent


  2. Mr. Myers,
    I know others were convicted.
    Bambi may not have done the deed,
    but as said, she instigated it--
    had it not been for she the parents
    would not have been killed.

    She is some piece of work.
    Avoid her at all costs!

    Thanks for commenting.

    1. Umm....where's YOUR EVIDENCE? We don't imprison folks based on our opinion of them (unless you're a POOR PERSON OF COLOR--they frequently get the shaft without regard to their civil/legal Rights)!

  3. Bambi Bennett is innocent and she is not ugly by any means. Put your pitchfork down. X


  4. Beantown,

    Put my pitchfork down? I
    love it!

    As stated, Bambi may not have
    done the deed, but she set it
    all in motion.

    Ugly is as ugly does. She could
    look like Monroe, but still be a
    cold, rotten bitch, Which she is!

    1. Bambi may be a lot of things---but 'ugly' she is NOT. She's got MOVIE STAR GOOD LOOKS!

  5. You couldn’t find any pictures of Bambi? Eight pictures come up on the first page of a google search. Try google and as much as you love My Space, it doesn’t work so well in 2018, queen.


  6. At the time, no, I could not
    find any Bambi Bennett pics.
    Besides, the Disney photo fit
    more the concept of the post!

  7. Yep Bambi masterminded the murder and hired the Hill guy!!! No one else had any motive! She may be free on earth but God save her guilty soul!!!

  8. Unknown,

    If Bambi is now free, I don't
    want to know where she is.
    I agree with you after her time
    wraps up, on Earth!

  9. How silly! She was found Not Guilty. Leg it go

  10. DLM,
    As the song, "Hooray For Hollywood" says,
    "But if you think that you can be an actor,
    See Mr. Factor,
    He can make a monkey look good!"

    Let's see what he can do for you, dear!

  11. The Rotten Queen exemplifies what so many of us hate: An opinion based on absolutely no facts or evidence. He calls the innocent man who was falsely imprisoned for seven years, “ ...druggie boyfriend Richard Gangon”. However, in the story Richard was hired by the deceased male for his glass shop. The deceased male who was a Deacon by the way. If Queen could get even one of his facts straight, he would remember that Richard had a stipulation for Bambi prior to them getting involved in a relationship. That stipulation was that Bambi become drug free.

    It was Bambi‘s mother and stepfather who convinced Bambi to sign over her property into her mothers name for “safekeeping”. Bambi‘s mother and stepfather willingly signed the custody of Bambi‘s children back over to her after she had gotten her life on track in Florida. How much should Bambi‘s mother and stepfather have been paying her per month for the use of her acreage, their business and the use of Bambi‘s house? The bare minimum at that time in and that area would’ve been $5000. It would be more likely to have been a higher price than that.

    To get to the main issue, did Bambi and her then boyfriend Richard have anything to do with her mother’s and stepfather‘s death? There was never a shred of evidence against Bambi. For the detectives to have tried to browbeat her and physically intimidate her was very poor police work. When the Nazi type tactics did not break her, they just let her sit in jail hoping the experience of losing her mother and stepfather and sitting in jail for their murders would break her. Those are the tactics that give police officers and prosecutors a bad reputation. The only evidence they had on Bambi‘s boyfriend Richard, was a few specks of blood on his shoe. A shoe that he admittedly wore into the crime scene after it was released by the police. The crime scene was still saturated with the blood of Bambi‘s mother and stepfather. For one person entering that house to only get a few specks of blood on one shoe is amazing. I would believe that many of the first responders and investigators would have had more of the victims blood on their clothing than just a few specs on a shoe. Should they have gotten warrants to collect all clothing from all persons in and out of that crime scene? Then if they found even a speck of blood on any of that clothing should they have arrested the owner of the clothing? That would make just as much sense as checking the clothing of any citizen who was allowed into the crime scene after it was released by the police.

    This was a horrible police investigation. The only portion of this entire case that was handled worse than the initial investigation was the part that the prosecutor played in it. I don’t base this on many years of TV watching and drawing conclusions based on only my opinions. I recently retired after 25 years as a police officer. I investigated well over 1000 burglaries along with hundreds of rapes. All of the other thefts, assaults and every other case that had to be made based on evidence would total well over 10,000 cases.

    So please people, don’t be like Queen and just spew ignorant crap all over the Internet just so you can see your thoughts in writing. Even worse is when a person states such ignorant remarks just in the hopes of getting more responses to their absolutely stupid statements. Be safe people and be smart!

  12. Have Facts Not Opinions,

    Cool your jets, Pops! I have the
    right to say what I say on here and
    that Bambi Bennett was no good. What
    is wrong with that?

    You have a right to express your magnum
    opus, but don't think you are dealing with
    some fool here, dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!
