Friday, December 29, 2017

Better This Should Have Been On The Times Ten Best List Than Others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     This book was the tie breaker for 2017--clocking in, at 114.   It is short, a mere 229 pages, but of such encompassing scope, it manages to cover things as disparate as America's racial and cultural divides, and the Jonestown Massacre.

                                       Of the latter, I confess I wanted a little more, though, I suppose, if I wanted a more complete picture,  there were entire books on the subject, I could read.  I cannot say I am that venturesome.

                                       The books' main character, is truly conflicted--about her fiancé, about her origins, her racial status, her social status, to the point where impersonates a child's nanny just to get near a poet she meets at a party, and for whom she has the hots for.

                                        None of this sounds like much, but Senna's prose style is elegant, riveting, and covers it all, in just 229 pages.  The only thing unclear to me was what the point was, because Maria is going to end up following the program set out for her, anyway.

                                          The title also refers to a documentary film she and her fiancé are appearing in. The novel is like a series of film snippets that, joined together, make for an interesting literary collage.

                                            It's quality fiction, dolls!  Read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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