Friday, December 29, 2017

If This Turns Out To Be My Final Book Of 2017, It Will Be A Bang Up Finish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                "The Black Spider," by the Swiss writer, Jeremias Gotthelf, and translated by Susan Bernofsky, packs quite a horrific punch at only 108 pages.  This was the record breaker for 2017--book number 115.  It is a brilliant amalgamation of horror novel and social allegory.  Yes, there really is a monstrous black spider--who I think is female-- in it, but if you think this spider is the only thing in this story that is evil, you have another thing coming.

                                  As I read, I kept thinking to myself of the Valley People in the song "One Tin Soldier," who killed those on the mountain, to steal their treasure.  An entire village populace morally decays over the passage of time.  And, when the monstrous spider, who has been concealed for a time, is finally let out, it does some good by destroying the evil people.

                                  I also saw this as a metaphor for the Black Death, or bubonic plague, that destroyed countless people during the Middle Ages, from 1346 to 1353.

                                   You can't go wrong with spiders, when it comes to horror, hons!  The story just would not have worked, had it been a French poodle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    What a difference between this masterwork, and the anthology, "Haunted Nights."  This novella had me on the edge of my seat; the anthology, save for those two stories mentioned, left me only with indifference.

                                       So, is that it for literature in 2017?  Maybe, but there is still time, so  more could be revealed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         If not, it has been a great reading year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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