Tuesday, December 19, 2017

I Am So Sick Of This Practice In Movie Theaters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Despite the fact that I don't like the practice, that I do what most people seem to do--press a number for its own sake, and then sit wherever I want, I have never had a problem, until the other day.

                           The movie was "I, Tonya," which was ironic, as it brought out the Tonya Harding side of me.

                            I always like to sit on the aisle, left side, lower center.  That is where I end up anyway, especially if seeing a film by myself.

                            I had been sitting there for about half an hour, when, shortly before the film started, a man and woman came into the theater, saying I was in the seat or seats they chose.

                             Well, this may have been true, but I asked them how they could be so stupid?  Do they take everything literally?  Do they do what they are told, like good like soldiers?  "Well, fuck that!, " I said.  "I don't give a shit!"

                               "Don't you talk to me like that,"   this mid-Forties corporate honcho responded unkindly.  To which I said, "I will; do you want me to call the manager?"

                                That shut them up.   "I don't know what your problem is," said the guy, taking his seat behind me, close to the wall.

                                  My problem is I am against the dumbing down of America.  My problem is I was going to this theater long before you learned to wipe your sorry ass!  My problem is I cannot stand  people like you!  And my problem is--once I am seated I am there for an artistic experience, so leave me the HELL alone!

                                  If it was "Star Wars--The Last Jedi," I would have moved; I am sure those screening rooms are packed.  But "I, Tonya" was not sold out by any means, with plenty of seats for anyone who wishes to sit where they please.

                                   What is the matter with people?  Is America becoming a nation of "Judge Judy" representational losers????????????????????


  1. I Love your attitude!! Can you stand up to my daughter in law for me please!!!


  2. I always tell people, "if you
    need me to be a bitch, just let
    me know."

    No one stood up for me when I
    was young. I learned I had to do
    it myself.
