Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Another Nail In The Coffin Of New York City Culture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Darlings, I swear not to end up in Florida, but if New York City culture keeps going down the toilet, I may face some relocation issues.

                                 To think, that after 36 years, in January of 2018, the Lincoln Plaza Cinema is coming to a close!

                                 This theater opened in 1981, which happens to be the year I started working at the Library Of Performing Arts, Lincoln Center.  It is ironic that, a year following my retirement from there last January 20, this theater is destined to follow suit.

                                   I saw "Heavenly Creatures" here for the first time, in 1994.  Not to mention--"The Devil's Backbone," "Manchester By The Sea," "Blue Jasmine," and, most recently, "Wonder Wheel."  Guess that will be my last film there.

                                  Where is there for serious filmgoers to go see a film?  Do any exist?  Does the rest of the populace care?  Of course not; they are goons and trolls, content to watch trashy Seth Rogen films, via Netflix on the small screen, having no idea what genuine art is, while extolling the virtues of digitization and Trumpland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    The whole things makes me want to puke!  Well, I will not let Manhattan culture go gently into that good night.  Like Scarlett, who could not let go of Tara, as long as there was a breath in her body, I will fight this de-intellectualization of the city vigorously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Some of us came here to get away from trash!  Not to have it follow us here!


  1. Landlords holding out for bigger paydays as usual.
    God bless the Talbots, they did everything they could.
    They've been married for Sixty-Eight Years


  2. That is simply amazing.
    The existence of the Lincoln Plaza
    almost equals my work time at my
    job across the street--the Library
    Of Performing Arts, at Lincoln
    How I shall miss it!
