Tuesday, December 19, 2017

I Never Owned It, But Wanted To!!!!!!!!!!!! Vintage Board Game #19--"Romper Room Kiddie Quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                   Maybe I never owned this, because my parents thought I was already ahead of the game, even during my "Romper Room" period.  Why did the hostesses, in retrospect, all look like clones of Anita Bryant????????????????

                                     This game had was interactive. It has a light that lit, a wand that you inserted into holes, while answering questions today's Millennials would have difficulty answering.  For example"  "Where does a cow live?"  "Answer"  In a barn."  Today's doctoral candidates could not pass this game.

                                      I was drawn to the colorful box and the interactive, quiz bowl aspect of the game.  No one I knew had it, so this was one that I recall fondly, but managed to escape owning.

                                      And that is that.  Because today, darlings, marks a turning point in my Board Games Theme this mouth.  Up till now, the games have been pretty G-Rated.  The nearer, we get into Christmas, as the days go by, I will demonstrate how much more sexualized children's games became!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        These next several topic posts on here could be "For Mature Audiences Only!"

                                          Or not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Aww Romper Room..."Miss Nancy"
    Do you remember "Captain Noah"? And "Sally Star"!!


  2. I do remember "Sally Star,"
    as I had cousins then who lived
    in the Philly area. I was from
    the Metro area around New York.

    Captain Noah I do not recall.

    Captanin Kanagaroo, of course.

    I LOVED bunny rabbit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
