Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Look At This Image! Then, Picture It With Amy Sedaris' Face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Amy' spoof of the George Melies classic, "A Trip To The Moon" was one of the best sight gags I have ever seen.  And her entire outer space themed show, last night, was one of the best she has done.

                                  I also loved the faux rocket ship, and the cheesy spoof of those Saturday morning kiddy sci-fi shows I used to watch when I was till young enough to believe these things were real.  Amy's space outfit and mask were terrific as well.  And I loved Patty Hogg, and the Salad Of The Future.

                                   If you missed this, girls, you missed one of the best episodes of "At Home, With Amy Sedaris."

                                   Love you, Amy!  And I want to try the Meteorite Cake, and the Cheese Moon!!!!!!!!!!
                                      Amy's 24 minutes on Tuesdays are some of the best of each week!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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