Sunday, December 24, 2017

Soon It Will Be Christmas Eve, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Yes, and thanks to the suffering of illness on both parts this past week, we are having a novelty Christmas--at home.  Normally, we would be at my sister's in PA, but between my returning energy, and the nursing home on lock down, we are here for the stay.

                        See our pretty Bay Ridge cottage?  That is how it looks right now, and we are awaiting the arrival of Christmas, which is the birth of Jesus.  Just think of  us, all warm and cozy, inside our Bay Ridge cottage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                           We may even hang stockings by the chimney.  Baby Gojira, who is so excited we are going to be home for Christmas,  cannot wait to see what Santa brings him!  He hopes for a pink sectional, or bedroom set, all for his very own!

                            Later, he will be tucked in for the night.  I hope visions of sugar plums dance in his head.  Last night, Gothic visions of murdered horror and insane asylums, with undesirable relations, danced in mine.

                             Later, David and I will settle into our bed for the long Christmas map.  That is me on the left, already asleep.  I took my Klonopin.  David is reaching to turn out the night light.  We go through this every night, but only on Christmas Eve, at home, will he hop out of bed, to see what is going on, outside our charming Bay Ridge cottage.
                                   And that is our Christmas Eve, at home, for 2017. Memorable for location, among so many other things.  Enjoy yours, darlings, wherever you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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