Saturday, December 23, 2017

Now We Are Getting Down To The Nitty Gritty!!!!!!!!!!!! Vintage Board Game #23--"Twister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 This game instantly drew children in.  First, there was the colorful and large, especially for a child, playing board, almost a sort of mat that took up a good deal of the room played in.  Then there were those multi-colored dots, against the stark white background.  And the title, framed on each side, in red.

                                   The other big draw with "Twister," and this was especially applicable with me, was its being billed as "a stocking feet game," where players had to remove their shoes.  I was always one for doing this; I found shoes confining; hell, I would have gone barefoot all the time, if I could.

                                    So "Twister" allowed a kind of physical comfort that most children weren't, with other games.  It felt cool and freeing, but there was a down side to this.

                                      What if you were entwined on the board, and another person's butt was sticking right in your face?

                                       Uh oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        I cannot say who or when or how, but someone, at one point, must have discovered the sexual component to this game, and before you knew it, this was the most popular thing, at adult swingers' parties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I am sure it made the gay party circuit as well.  I only played "Twister" the regular way; guess I cared too much about hygiene and crabs to play it with just anyone.

                                         Here is what such a game would have looked like!
                                  Imagine being tied up in knots, with these guys, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   To think even a children's game manufacturer taught us early that sex sells!!!!!!!!


  1. For better or worse, about 40% of all current gay porn on the internet more or less follows your Twister reverie (and photo). Minus the game board on the floor, unfortunately, although its still there metaphorically.

    Don't go in for those group scenes myself, I'm too lazy to follow more than two entwined bodies at a time (in person or on screen). Multiples also dilute the primary thrill for me, anyway, which has always been about getting one person to want me specifically. A plethora of people gleefully volunteering to jump on me at once was certainly flattering (the several times its happened), but oddly devoid of any excitement. I'm wired like Groucho Marx that way: I want them to want me, all right, but only if I have to work a little at seducing them. Gives me a (probably illusory) sense of accomplishment.


  2. I'd love to know when "Twister" made
    the first adult leap. It probably
    started out as a straight thing,
    but, believe me, gays caught on.
    Surprised it was never used in
    any porn films of the period.
    Maybe the company would have
    faced a lawsuit from Milton Bradley!
