Saturday, December 23, 2017

What If The Games Got Even Wilder?????????? Vintage Board Game #22--"Line-O-Coke!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                             From sex, it's just a short step, to drugs.  And who needs sex, when there is drugs?

                             Or is it the other way around?

                              What a brilliant concept!  A "Do-It-Yourself-Cocaine Kit!!!!!!!!!"  While the children's parents are exchanging residential keys at swinger parties, their very own offspring are learning to snort their troubles away!   Perfect!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I have to wonder how this game would have worked.  I imagine it would come supplied with powdered sugar, or would one be required to free base.  And how would that be explained?  And could the children be trusted to do so, without setting the house afire?  Forget narcotics; this could be a pyromaniac's dream.

                                I myself would prefer the narcotics.  And it would not be long, until the supplied powdered sugar would run out, leading to the use of the supermarket product, then leading to trips out to the street, in order to......

                                           SCORE SOME ACTUAL BLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 This game would blow children's minds, and fry their brains!   Had I owned this game, I never would be carrying on today about my adolescence, because, hell, I wouldn't even remember it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Milton Bradley really missed the boat, on not manufacturing this one!

                                   Who scores the most?  The highest?  Who could tell, by the end of the game?


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