Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Can You Believe It?????????????????

                                       Yes, girls, a year ago, on this very day, David, myself, Baby Gojira, and our two witnesses, Judy and Alvin, were racing to city hall in Brooklyn, so that we could married.  I cannot believe 365 days have past since that magical event; where did the time go?

                                         No one is pregnant; that ship has sailed, dolls, and we have all we can go with Baby Gojira, who can be very petulant sometimes.  He will be 14 in August!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           What a year it has been.  The best thing is that the magic of our love has not worn off, nor will it, ever.  They say the first anniversary is paper--so how about theater tickets????????????

                                             Nice; but not important.  Moreso is the many years of happiness to come, and that there be a lot of them!  Nothing is more important than my David, so I wanted to share this day with all of you!

                                              And wish you happiness on your anniversaries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. People search all their lives for what you have.
    May God bless you and keep you...


  2. Thanks so much, Victoria.
    I had a long wait, but it
    was well worth it!

  3. OMG, I simply CANNOT believe you've hit your anniversary already!

    I'd swear on both my grandmothers that you only JUST got married a couple months ago.

    (Really NOT digging this "time flies ever faster once you hit your fifties" phenomenon.)

    BUT: of course so very happy for the two of you. You set the example the rest of us wish we could duplicate. Wishing you many more years happiness together, and the health to enjoy it!


  4. Thank you so much, darling!
    It was a lovely celebration!
