Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Don't Let Me Neglect My Duties As Hostess, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I was so excited about blogging, since I missed out on yesterday, I forgot we have a new reader to welcome, darlings!

                                     Her name is Jan Morrissy, so, let me be the first to say....Welcome, Jan!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Here you will find all kinds of information, useful and not.  Fun and outrageous rule the day here, and goes great with coffee.

                                       You can get a better idea by sampling posts from previous years, because, at only January 9, I have no idea what the year holds!  I am still struggling out of New York's deep freeze!

                                         So, welcome, Jan!  And, now, here is this blog's unofficial theme song!

                                         Comments are welcome anytime.  And all are answered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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