Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Girls, I Have The Most Brilliant Idea!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's Re-Do "The Twilight Zone" Episode, "Living Doll," With Jodi Arias!!!!!!!!!!

                             This thought came to me the other night, as David and I watched this classic episode.  The story deals with the Streators, a family who never should have been.  A pre-"Kojak" Telly Savalas plays Erich Streator, who does not love anyone, baby. He is the Stepfather From Hell, and his wife Annabelle, (wink! wink! Is this what inspired the current franchise?) played by veteran character actress Mary La Roche) and her daughter Christie (played by Tracy Stafford, a child actress more wooden than the doll, which is a good thing, because it is the doll's show!) are enslaved to him.  But then "Talky Tina," a typical Sixties child's toy, comes to visit, and, boy does Erich get his!  Especially as Tina is voiced by someone who can upstage everyone on screen--the great June Foray, later to be the voice of Judy Jetson!!!!!!!!!!!!  That's right, darlings!  "Daaaaaaaaaughter Juuuuuuudy!"

                           But back to Jodi.  She has not been written on here for some time, and you know how fascinated I am by her.  Well, this is actually a big year for Jodi!  No wonder ID is doing a three part program about her now, because this June 4 marks the Tenth Anniversary of Travis Alexander's death.

                           Now, I am not going to get into the still ongoing debate over whether or not Jodi did it.  She was just a good girl, with all the bad breaks.  I mean, who else would primp for her mug shot?
Jodi only wants to look her best.  Bet she mentors lots of women in her prison, with cosmetology classes, telling how, despite the worst situation one may be in, one can still feel positive by a daily beauty routine.

                           I have to hand it to Jodi.  Now, I don't know how much new stuff will be learned from the ID three-parter, or if Jodi will talk on camera, live, herself.  I can tell you, I am just so excited; I would love to visit Jodi, sit down and have tea/coffee with her, and talk about all kinds of things.  You know, girl stuff.  Cutlery, and other domestic appliances.  The right make-up applique!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Now, let me explain.  This is someone's bizarre concept of a Jodi Arias doll.  Obviously made by one of her detractors, because it comes with voodoo pins one can stick into the doll!  This is not what I had in mind!

                            My Jodi doll would have a Barbie stick figure, and come with hair color dye, so she can be either blonde or dark. I prefer the dark, intellectual looking Jodi.  Even blonde, she was one smart cookie!  The doll would talk in Jodi's own distinctive, beautifully enunciating voice.  But, as Erich Streator found out, how you stand with Jodi depends on what she says to you--just like Tina!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            You know Jodi and I would be like two girls on the town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             But what designer would suit her best????????????????


  1. I cannot believe you were aware of two points on this episode that have never once occurred to me all these years: 1) Annabelle (DUH) and 2) Judy Jetson!

    How could I have completely missed those allusions, when this is one of my top ten all time favorite TZ eps!

    Now I really need to dive into the Twilight Zone compendium guidebook my cousin just gave me for Xmas. I forgot all about it until you reminded me with this entry.

    How many times have I hissed at someone "My name is Talky Tina: and YOU'D better be NICE to me!"


  2. Actually, we have our own
    Talky Tina--Baby Gojira!!!!!!!!!
