Thursday, January 25, 2018

For Part Two Of "IT," Some Requirements Are Needed, This Time Aound, For The Spider To Be Genuinely Terrifying!!!!!!!!!!

                                 After last summer's buildup, with part one, of "IT," audiences are looking forward to part two, especially the climactic scene with the spider.  But bringing out of retirement the 1958 paper mache cheapie from "Queen Of Outer Space," was not the answer.  It destroyed the entire climax of the 1990 television movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 No, this time around, the spider, has to be incredibly gigantic and menacing.  Like the great giant spiders of yore--the one in "Tarantula!," in 1955, and "Earth Vs, The Spider," in 1958!  When the latter digs to the crazy rock beat in the museum, and actually menaces a baby--a baby!!!!!!!!!--in its playpen, that is real terror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  But something extra should be added, to insure genuine terror from the forthcoming "IT" spider--the face of Barbara Steele as Asa, from 1960's "Black Sunday."

                                   Rights might be paid, but by simply superimposing this face over that of the actual spider, audiences will get more fright for their dollar than they could have ever imagined!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Hey, I think we are onto some sort of theme, girls--bugs and bitches!

                                       Wait!  They are both the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Aren't they!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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