Thursday, January 25, 2018

It's Not A Bit Too Early, To Start Thinking About That Date To The Prom, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I am sure that everyone who has been through the dating scene, realized that when that bitch, Chris Hargensen, in "Carrie," hooked up with Billy Nolan for the prom, it was really two skank losers who thought they were so special.  And look how that turned out.  Once again, girls, that bad boy thing just does not work!

                                       So, as far as I am concerned, cuddling up with The Monster That Challenged The World is not a bad alternative.  He looks pretty affectionate, and seems genuinely interested in the one he is cuddling, even if she is a bit wary about those pincers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I think he is kinda cute.  Give him a chance.  He starred in the titular movie of 1957, and I thought was pretty harmless, as far as monsters go.  The scene where he crawls along the deck of the ship has to be seen to be believed.  He was just out for a walk on the deck.  Not unlike Gladys Cooper in "Now, Voyager."

                                         This guy, hons, is not nearly as lethal as Gladys.

                                          So, come prom time, if you are still having dating problems, think about this guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I promise, he won't bug the living hell out of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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