Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Girls, I Am All Jodi-ed Out--For Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             The most disappointing thing about ID's three evening presentation of Jodi Arias was not hearing from Jodi today.  I was expecting a segment, featuring Jodi today, on camera; something like, "Hi, everyone, this is Jodi, and I just want to fill you in on what is going on."

                               Us members of Team Jodi want to know!  And so does Baby Gojira!

                                There is, as one of my readers has said, "something about her."  But what?  When I look at Jodi, I see in the eyes one who is both haunting, and haunted.  I also see a burning intelligence that never got a chance to flex its muscles. Had things not turned out the way they did, Jodi might be a top flight exec today--maybe the Anna Wintour of her generation!

                                 Which is why I want to see her released, and out in the world, where she can do some good.  Jodi is not a serial killer.  She would not kill again--even if she did the first time, which I still have my doubts about.

                                   The real reason Jodi is behind bars is those who convicted her brought into the notion of Travis Alexander being this squeaky clean guy.  Now, I am not saying Jodi was Snow White, nor does she need to be--except to the White, conservative jurors--but because Travis was THE MAN, and a Mormon , they chose to go with that image.   In all my years on this planet, I never heard anything as vulgar as what Jodi was referred to as, by Travis--"the three holed wonder."  That says it all about how much Travis regarded Jodi, who, clearly, has more brains than he ever had, which might have been a problem in their relationship that was never brought out.  I bet it was brought up, but was thought to be irrelevant.  Except, it really wasn't.

                                  So, Jodi is put behind bars for being an intelligent and attractive woman.

                                  Boy, does this nation have problems!

                                  Baby Gojira and I are still in your corner, Jodi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. If Casey Anthony is walking free, there is No Way Jodi should be locked up


  2. Victoria--
    Exactly. Casey was a case
    strong in the Court Of Public
    Opinion. Biggest till Jodi
    came along. And she
    walks free. For a child's

    I cannot understand it.

    But Casey will get hers. What goes around....
