Wednesday, January 17, 2018

This Is The Origin Of Goat Alley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Many who have been reading this blog, have heard me refer to a section in my hometown (Highland Park, NJ) called Goat Alley.  Geographically, it began at South Sixth Avenue, where Raritan Avenue and Woodbridge Avenue split off, continuing up Woodbridge.  On the South Side of Woodbridge was Goat Alley, while its North Side was a better low income area, known simply as "The Boondocks!"

                                If only my Goat Alley looked as good as in this photo, from the 1930 Little Rascals short, "Pups Is Pups," from back in 1930.  This looks like an outtake from one of William Cameron Menzies' sets from "Things To Come." which was not filmed till 1936.   Wonder if Mr. Menzies had a hand in this design????????????????

                                But this short did introduce the actual phrase, "Goat Alley."  I just took the idea, and ran with it!!!!!!!!!!!!  You know me, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                This is also the short that has the repeated scene of a well dressed little girl, stepping out of her home, and jumping smack into the center of a mud puddle.  She made this seem so fun I wanted to do it myself, only there were no puddles like this around, near me.

                                 The girl who does the jumping is none other than the great Dorothy DeBorba.  She looks younger here than I am used to seeing her, so this must have been one of her early films.

                                   But this is where my tales of Goat Alley stemmed from!

                                   Even in the Thirties, White Trash looked better when Hollywoodized!

                                   I mean, look at that no account, White Trash, Emmy Slattery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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