Monday, January 1, 2018

Guess What Movie Turns 50 This Year?????????? "Funny Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                 I have to wonder, darlings.

                                                 Around December, 1968, when "Funny Girl" was the hottest film ticket out there, a Christmas commercial featured a husband and wife.  The husband would not leave his seat, and stereo console, because he kept playing the "Funny Girl" soundtrack, over and over.  The wife tried to budge him, to no avail.  A voice over (male) then suggested to the wife that if her husband would not stop playing his "Funny Girl" sound track, she should give him BARBRA's then newest solo, album.

                                                  Even at the time, when I was 14, I thought this ad strange.  Today, I would have featured the voice over saying, "Hey, it is time to leave the guy!  If he is THIS committed to BARBRA he is more than a great big closet case.  He is a full fledged FAG, and you are not a wife, but a FAG HAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  Who knew BARBRA broke up this marriage?

                                                 Today, that wife is probably a wealthy Boca Raton widow, while the hubby is an Embittered Old Queen, trapped in his New York rent-controlled (!!!!) apartment, where he left to find gay independence, and is now a Tired Old Queen, reliving his youth, by listening to BARBRA.  As long as he can hear, there will be BARBRA......................

                                                  But this year, oh, my God!  As soon as a New York theater announces a retro engagement of "Funny Girl," thousands of queens of all ages, and geographic regions will flock to this theater, now a mecca for BARBRA worshippers, who will relive their youth when they wanted to be BARBRA!  Count on me finding an aisle seat, so I can get right up, and do "I'm The Greatest Star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                  "Funny Girl," at 50!  Can you believe it?

                                                    Love to see BARBRA do the roller skate number today!!!!!!!!!!!!

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