Monday, January 1, 2018

You Know What Else Turns 50 This Year, Darlings??????????? "Rosemary's Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                             And you had better believe a flock of queens and minions (which are often the same) will flock to this witchy brew for its retro showing.  I still say the scariest image is Ruth Gordon in curlers, when Mia peeks out her door hole.

                             "Rosemary's Baby" is not only Polanski's most recognized film, but Mia's too.  Its blend of horror and humor, thanks to Ira Levin, is beyond compare, the imagery dazzling to watch.  A film as entertaining as it is horrific.

                                 So, bring your Tarot or Lenormand cards, Scrabble cubes, and have yourselves a blast!

                                  And don't forget there is a New Years Eve sequence, in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Looking to celebrate 'Rosemary's' anniversary with you all!

                                 Here is the image of the burning church.  I may be pro-Catholic and Bernadette, but I love the blend or orange and black in this image.  If there is one movie prop, I could own, this would be it!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   See you at "Rosemary's Baby's" 50th, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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