Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Hey, Has Anyone Out There Read This??????????????????

                                More to the point, where can I track down a copy???????????????

                                Back in the day--late 60's--when the Ballentine paperback three volume set (similarly covered) of J.R.R. Tokien's "The Lord Of The Rings" was the cult sensation of the day--even I owned and read it, then, darlings, this little one volume gem came out around the same time.  I had always promised myself to read it, but, as quickly as it came, it vanished.  I should have grabbed it when I had the opportunity.  Oh, well.

                                  When the Peter Jackson films started emerging, the popularity of the original trilogy picked up again--this is when I re-read it as an adult, and found in a different, more comprehensive, and comprehensible, experience.  I could appreciate its greatness, but I was not one of those groupies who was going off to study and write in the language of Middle Earth.  I will stick to my own jargon, thank you.

                                    Still, I thought, with the original's surge of renewed popularity, "Bored Of The Rings" might appear again, but, alas no.  So, if anyone knows how I can track this down, do not fail to let me know.

                                    Like Linda Richman, "No big whoop!"

                                 Having said all that, see this picture?  I would not be surprised if some prose satirist is working on a Trumpesque satire of Lewis Carroll's 'Alice,' entitled. "Alice In Trumpland."

                                  The Tolkien groupies will take umbrage with me, but I will say it.  "The Lord Of The Rings," or those who are obsessed with it, took the whole thing far too seriously.  The most remarkable thing about "Bored Of The Rings" is its being one volume.  Reducing the story to that is sheer genius in itself!  No wonder I want to read it!

                                  But there are those of us who love our Lewis Carroll, and our Alice, and, as one of those, I say do not waste satirizing Trump on one of the most gorgeously written novels in the English language.  Save him for the pundits, Alec Baldwin, Colbert, etc.  But leave Donald and Alice alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Besides, sooner or later, the man will stick his head up, his own, ahem, rabbit hole!

                                  But, find me "Bored Of The Rings!" Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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