Thursday, January 4, 2018

The First Bitch Of 2018 Turns Out To Be A Fun One!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Don't worry one bit, girls!  There is plenty of time for the truly sick, real life bitches to show themselves off this year; who knows, some of them may be plotting their dastardly deeds, even now!

                             So, I thought it would be fun to begin the year with a fun bitch, one known and loved by many.  I am talking about Natasha Fatale!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              How many of us, growing up, watching "Rocky and Bullwinkle," were fascinated by this mysterious couple?  Hubby Boris Badenov was as squat and short as Natasha was tall and slinky.  Hey, could it have been a riff on Anne Bancroft and Mel Brooks?  I don't think so, because I think Boris and Natasha came along before those two married.  I looked, and they had not married yet.

                              Even as prepubescents, there was something mysterious and fascinating about the slinky figured, tightly dressed, sultry voiced Natasha.  Though up to no good, one had to hand it to her for sophistication and style.

                                Hey, to some kids, she, unknowingly, was their first bitch.  So, it is only fitting that Miss Natasha Fatale becomes the first Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week for 2018!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 We love you, Natasha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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