Thursday, February 8, 2018


                                I have had it up to here, with Rose McGowan, girls, and it almost embarrasses me to have to name her as this week's winner of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.  People who do something significantly despicable--rape, murder, child or spousal abuse--get this post with no questions asked.  To paraphrase a line from the musical "Dreamgirls," all Rose can do is rant and rave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                She can rant.  She can rave.  But when she starts tearing into people, saying we are all of us misogynistic, and she is the only right one, honey, I just have to step in.

                                 Rosie, dear, give it a rest!  You barely had a career; your most memorable role being incestuous whore Cassandra Davina, in the 2011 'SVU" episode, "Bombshell," which is probably not much more than what you are, anyway!  As for that pretentious Sinead O'Connor activist look--get rid of it!  Who do you think you are kidding?

                                 You say you grew up in a cult, the Children Of God, in Italy.  It might have been visually gorgeous, and believe me, I am sorry for whatever you might have gone through there, but Rose, hon, you are still there.  The cult you are now living in are the fabrications of your mind.

                                     You wrote a book; good for you.  Your career is washed up, so you need to reinvent yourself as some sort of wannabe activist.  I have no doubt you had trouble with that pig Weinstein, but stop browbeating folks you might want on your side.  Stop proselytizing like you are the only victim here!  And, most of all--shut your trap, which people are getting tired of hearing!

                                      Dumb bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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