Thursday, February 8, 2018

Let's Start With Some Childhood Comfort!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             The older we get, darlings, the more we seem to look back on what comforted us, when young.

                              I owned this very edition of the Thornton Burgess Bedtime Storybooks, and for years, after I had aged out, when feeling down, I would stretch out on the floor, hold the cover up in front of me, and gaze into it, like I was entering that world.  Kind of like "the game" Ada teaches Niles (with tragic results) in the horror classic, "The Other."

                             During this limited period of time, I felt very much inside that world, safe and secure.  Over time, the book got lost, and I moved on, but I recall this object as my first coping mechanism, and, on some level, wish I had it again.  The need to cope does not recede with age.
I suspect it only gets worse, as we revert back to a form of childhood, only we are not cute anymore.
We are wrinkled and slovenly.

                               I will do my best.  A shower, make-up, moisturizer, and designer clothes and accessories may help to stave off age!

                                But how I would love my Thornton Burgess back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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