Thursday, February 1, 2018

Flo On "Progressive" Was Annoying Enough! But Now There Is Jamie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I have gotten used to Flo, played by actress Stephanie Courtney, and am happy for the gig, enabling this actress to rake in the cash, as well as giving her a career blip to be remembered by.

                               The same thing will probably said of Jim Cashman, who plays Jamie on the Progressive commercials, but, damn he is annoying.  And even though Cashman does a fine job on the ads, and is, in actuality, straight, why do the writers have him portrayed as some pathetic little faggot.

                                 Maybe Jamie is still in the closet.  The minute the character appeared, I said he was gay, except the writers have done everything to deprive him of a gay identity.  Maybe Jamie could come out to Flo.  Or hum some show tunes.  Or sing some Bette Midler lyrics.

                                  Because, as he is, he is not lively.  Flo, at least has a personality, and a range, like when she has played both Flo and her family members at family events.

                                   If Jamie was brought in, why, for heaven's sake?  Do something with him fast, because he is the most closeted gay offensive character on television today.  At least from what I have seen!

                                   I am as happy for this boost to Cashman's career as I am to Courtney's.  Flo is at least a defined character.  Jamie is a faggot in a bubble!

                                    Well, the bubble needs to burst, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I loathe Flo and I especially loathe Jamie. Currently one of two commercial spots featuring his prissy character plays alternately every time my favorite radio station goes to a break and it's driving me crazy and away from my shows of choice. I've gotten to where I click the station off as soon as he starts to whine in his unfunny shtick. It takes me longer and longer to remember to return. Sometimes I come back just in time to hear Jamie on AGAIN! If you haven't heard any of his radio spots.. TRUST ME! They're way worse than anything he's done on TV.

  2. drwinston,

    I am not a big
    radio listener, so I had
    no idea these ads had gone
    to that medium. I will try
    and listen. I can just imagine
    how bad they are.

    Thanks for sharing, and I am
    no too crazy about Flo, either!

  3. Can not stand the Progressive ads, I turn them off as soon as they come on. Flo's outfit is ridiculous, Jamie is annoying.


  4. Unknown,
    Have you seen the new ad, with Flo seeming (to me, at least)
    to replicate Charlton Heston and the original "Planet Of
    The Apes" end. Then it goes into "Survivor" mode. Just
    too weird!

  5. Omg. I love Jamie. He cracks me up!!! A refreshing change from Flo


  6. Carol,

    I agree much change is needed from Flo.
    I am just not sure Jamie is it.

  7. This will be a shock to Mrs Cashman.


  8. Rick,

    I don't think so. Mrs.
    Cashman will be happy he
    has a relatively steady gig,
    and is soaking up those residuals.
    I dislike the character, but am
    happy for the actor,

    Thanks for commenting!

  9. Please stop putting Jamie on the air.... Yuk

    1. Jamie SUCKS!!! Get him off those ads. YUK ... ����


  10. I am with you here. While I am happy
    for the actor having the gig, his character
    is annoying. Have you seen the "Blue Heaven"
    ad???? Just awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  11. He certainly does! I share
    your sentiments!

  12. Ditch jamie, need new person, not so corny adds..


  13. Unknown,

    Agreed. I am so tired of Jamie.

  14. Jamie is annoying, tired of seeing the dumb gigs, Flo was bad enough. Need a new creator of commercials. Boring & annoying.


  15. Unknown,

    I so agree with you about Jamie.
    Flo grew on me in time, and when she
    plays different family members, it can
    be fun. But Jamie is annoying and

  16. I'm surprised to see so many negative comments about Jamie. I think he's hilarious and, although I hate most commercials, I 'm always glad when he and Flo show up. I never get tired of either of them.

  17. To many of my friends and to me, the worse commertials on TV are from Progressive, They are so annoying, they are everywhere and it is sickening, there should be a way to block Flo from our lives, at least Jamie so far has been irrelevant.Even when I called Progressive to compare prices with my insurance, the guy that answered tha call wasn't too happy with Flo, it was obvious in his voice, and Prograssive turned out to be more expensie with less coverage and not even in the top 10 Insurance companies in the country, Ban those commercials


  18. Joe Joe,
    You are entitled to your opinion.
    But Jamie is the worst character
    cooked up--whiny, annoying. I
    think he is played to be that
    way by the actor, but it is,
    for me, more off putting than
    attention grabbing.


  19. AntiFlo,

    It is true these commercials
    are inescapable. I too have
    no interest in Progresssive,
    but Flo and those she
    impersonates are entertaining.
    More so than Jamie.

    Hate the commercials, but be happy
    for the actors!

  20. Both Flo (YUK) and Jamie (AGAIN, YUK) justtalh a lot of nonsense and really nothing about the insurance. Both of them get on my last nerve. I always quickly turn the volume down so I can’t hear it.


  21. Unknown,

    Flo has grown on me, over the years.
    Bat that Jamie--yuck!--get rid of him!


  22. and3rd62,

    Just to clarify, Jim Cashman, the actor who
    plays Jamie, is straight. He plays the part
    effeminate, which is just one reason I find
    him annoying. But how to explain the commercial
    where there is this party at his house, and
    he has this hot wife. Unless Jamie--the
    character--is a great big closet case!

  23. I'm positively sure that that damn flamer "Jamie" from the Progressive commercials had got to be
    the most annoying gets on my last nerve piece of worhtless shit ...I know it's maybe an act but he does it so well that you can't not hate him...especially this latest ad showing him showing slides of his vacation where he supposedly practices Muay Thai...pleeeeease stop with these it's starting to rub off on to the other girl (Gwen?)...STOP ALREADY!!!!

  24. My wife and I have always jokingly referred to her monthly cycle as a "visit from Aunt Flow." I think we must change it to visit from Aunt Jamie. That dude is far more annoying than anything or anybody.

  25. If all commercials were 10’s then they would have commercials. It’s just life , Some are better than others

  26. Unknown,

    Yes, darling, but the ones that are
    not really stand out!

  27. I could care less for any of the Progressive insurance commercials. They are outright lies as far as I'm concerned. for that matter I hate insurance company's outright. Their sales people are of the same moral character as lawyers. Progressive has yet to get me a better quote.

  28. Unknown,
    I just view the whole thing as annoying entertainment.
    It is, up to a point, but then they go too far.
