Thursday, February 1, 2018

Did This Guy Actually Think He Was Bonnie Tyler, Or Something?????????????????

                           You know how much I love writing about TV commercials that annoy me?  Well, just the other day, I realized that the Cheetos commercial, where the guy, with a carpool of kids stuck in traffic, belts out "Tell It To My Heart," thinking he's some kind of singer, like Bonnie Tyler, or something, seems to have been scrapped.  I am sorry I did not get to this sooner, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Truth be told, the ad annoyed me so, I was distracted from what was being advertised.  Until I looked up some information, I had no idea the commercial was for Cheetos.  And the "mike" that the guy is holding looks like a carrot!!!!!!!!!!   What did I know!

                                But, man, am I glad to see this off the air!

                                The only good thing I can say about it is that it does not last as long as "La La Land!"

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