Thursday, February 1, 2018

If This Is Not Classic White Trash, I Do Not Know What Is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Since the month is starting off on a Thursday, that means a Bitch Of The Week.  I have been waiting to write about Alyce Davenport, of East Brookfield, Mass.  She claims to be thirty, but, girls, I am telling you, she has been doing some pretty hard and nasty stuff already to look this rotten at age 30!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Earlier last month, Alice's mother died.  This daughter skipped her own mother's funeral--can you believe it?--so she could sneak into the woman's home, and with an accomplice, steal $90K from a safe she knew was in the mother's home.

                                  Hey, Alyce, I got news for you!  When one doesn't have $90K, you may find it helps!  But, honestly, hon, did you really think it would get you far?  How long did you think you could go on the lam, in today's economy, with $90K!!!!!!!  Fuhgeddaboutit, bitch!  As for Europe, are you kidding?  From the way you look, you are not even ready for Europe!

                                   Stealing from your mother when her body is barely cold!  That is a low, and certainly a qualification to win this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I would not worry too much about Alyce, though, as she is going on a very different kind of vacation than what she thought.

                                    The kind where your own room has bars on the door!

                                     Bon Voyage, Alyce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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